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Woodside Parish Council
Woodside Parish Council serves the area around Wigton which includes Oulton, Aikhead, Moorhouse, High Longthwaite, Kirkland and Dockray.
The council represents residents on matters affecting the parish. Meetings are held bi-monthly in Oulton Institute Hall, usually on a Monday at 7.30 pm.
The next meeting is to be held on 24th June 2024 in Oulton Institute Hall at 7.30 pm.
Within this website can be found contact details for the parish councillors, details of future meetings, the agendas for those meetings and the minutes of previous meetings.
There are links to other useful websites.
Please use the contact us page if you have any questions regarding the work of the parish council, or if you have any concerns you think the council should be aware of or where it can help or support you.
If you have a photo relating to woodside parish, which you would like included on the website, please submit it to the clerk.